Be a Card Shark

by Ace Reporters



Have you heard that business cards are becoming a thing of the past or that they are becoming outdated?   If so, don’t believe it.  They are definitely here to stay.

Professionals that rely on networking for attracting new business should never leave home without a stack of impressive business cards, but they should also know how to use them.  We have all met that person at an event that whips out their card immediately upon introduction.  Are you guilty of this or are you maybe guilty of trying to collect as many cards as possible?  If so, must remedy ASAP!  It’s quality over quantity when it comes to business card etiquette.  You should walk away from an event with genuine new relationships rather than just a pocketful of cards.

For organizing your collected cards, try using the app Camcard to upload the business cards’ information right into your contacts.   Another app that neatly organizes them is CardMunch.  In this app, there is even a one-touch feature to automatically connect with each contact on LinkedIn.

For your own benefit, try to take notes about the people that you have met on the back of their cards… description of their appearance, what you talked about, who introduced you, et cetera.  Along this line, there are even business card templates that encourage you to fill in this type of information in the blank fields provided.

The design of your business card is very important.  One very useful element is using a photo so people can remember you.  And for those in a more relaxed profession, there are some new trending business cards.  For example, business cards which are cleverly disguised to look like a stick of gum.  On one side is the chewing gum and on the other is the magnetic business card… they are called Gaga Sticks and they are pretty cool!  This is a great way to become a lasting memory.  Gaga Sticks can be found at

Business cards are far from a thing of the past.  To the contrary, they continue to be a vital part of making new contacts and starting new relationships.  Regardless of the style that you ultimately choose, make certain that it is a card that represents you well.